I would plant another if I had the room. Do I still need to remove the roots and leaves and let it dry out for a week, or can I just plant it? Sago palms are a popular type of houseplant, but they can be susceptible to a number of problems. : Causes and Solutions. here's my progress - any advice greatly appreciated - hopefully links to my pictures copy in ok. https://tikiisland.shutterfly.com/pictures. Yikes. Question: My female sago has doubled bloomed which has never happened before. Roldan, "Sagos require a Love/Hate relationship! Well, guess what? Neem Oil. Cut the fabric to the size you need, allowing enough extra to tuck under the plant. When the female develops the flower crown, the spears are pushed down and the plant has a plate-like shape. When transplanting or doing a big trim, the plants will do their best to hurt you. Stick your finger into the soil; if the surface is dry, but the soil is moist 2 to 3 cm down, it is time to water. Question: Do you have a problem with scale? Should I cut it out? One day we found our puppy chewing on a sago seed in our backyard. It is male, gets very few pups. When would you recommend doing the trimming? 4 of my sagos are males making cones, and 2 of my sagos are females making flowers, with no fronds at all. The practice of trimming the sago is controversial in plant circles. Some years will look more spectacular than others. Can I cut them off and when? The do not have to ingest much. If i leave it outside in a pot can the rain over water it in the spring? Sago palms are highly poisonous. Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal Another theory is that the leaves curl to reduce the amount of sunlight that the plant receives. Invest as many as 3 or 4 years for a plant to get, at the least, a trunk of a foot high. If yes, what would be the maximum size of the pot to limit height to 5 feet? You should see new sprouts of leaves in the center. Wear gloves and long sleeves! Place where there is lots of sun. The freezing temperature can cause yellowing in this way and the only remedy is to make the plants survive the harsh weather. The crown is the seed head of the female version of the sago. So happy Sago'ing' as when kept well, they are a good looking landscape plant. Luckily she pulled through with no apparent lasting liver damage. If the spears are dead cut them off and cover the trunk with duck cloth at night when it is going to freeze. It has a highly thick stem and fills in clusters. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Do not over water this summer and cut back watering in winter. The leaves and old wood is just too sharp for uncovered skin or hands. I would then put it in the greenhouse for the winter. Like many large seeds, be prepared to wait patiently. Trapped water in the woody frond cuts may be making the problem worse. Generally, they grow larger when planted in the ground versus when they're in containers. We have a dozen or so in our yard. Only problem is spraying off the white things whatever it is, off the bottom of the branches once a year. anonymous. To calculate how much fertilizer you need, figure you will need about 1 1/2 pounds of sago palm fertilizerfor every 100 square feet of ground. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on February 03, 2018: Maria, thank you for the advice on potted sago plant care for summer and cold winter. Keep the soil moist as you wait for the seedling to emerge. Cuttage propagation methods of Sago palm Cuttings are seldom used because they destroy the mother tree. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on August 03, 2020: Everything is very slow with sagos. The older the sago palm, the deeper the root system and the more work it takes to . Maybe for this season, the plant's energy needs to be regulated to propagating first and then the leaves sprout? I went to Home Depot and they have 20 Sago Palms. Apply to the soil to fix the deficiency and help sago palms grow green again. Another potential cause of yellowing leaves is a lack of nutrients. 3. I'm going to begin by cutting the leaves as close to the truck as possible. Planted 2 Sago palms from pots a few years ago beside a swimming pool where I live. Additionally, plants, earthworms, and other animals may . So why does this article advise on all the hard work to care for a Sago Palm? Answer: Trim off dried scales and leaves and cover the roots gently with a thin layer of soil. The fertilizer of choice for Sago palms is slow-release palm fertilizer. Big No! My plant has spent many years between trimmings. Love to see them, though. Plenty of drainage and letting the soil dry out between waterings should be your plan for next year. And if it's OK to remove will it have seeds too?" A sandy soil that's somewhat rich in organic matter and slightly acidic to neutral soil pH is ideal. Answer: I have never used fertilizer. It has a single vertical stem straight about 7-8 ft tall. The pulp of the tree must be processed in such a way as to remove the toxins. This plant is widespread in the eastern and north-central United States. Instead of manually cutting off old leaves, let them become dry and pull them out by hand. If they are left without proper hydration, the bright shiny leaves can lose their luster and can curl in unnatural ways. If your sago is planted in clay, a less porous medium, you will need half the amount of fertilizer. The infected palm shows poor growth and looks wilted in appearance. As long as water drains quickly from the sago palms' roots, the cycad will grow well. Look for roots developing in the first year. It took a good fifteen years for me to see that fact. When grown in the garden, plant them in the early spring or late fall. The plant should come out with a slight pull; if it doesn't, try coaxing it out with a gentle tug. Like many other starches such as corn or potato starch, it is used in cooking and baking as a thickener. Poor young guy. Question: After a very cold winter, our two sago palms have been very slow to show new growth. My son was about 7 or 8 playing outside at a friends house. The herbal term for Sago's palm is known as Metroxylon Sagu. Go after pups first and see how it looks. After next years new fronds grow fully in knock off the seeds and leaves of the seed head that gets pushed under the new fronds. Will sea water affect or damage the palm? Any prolonged freezing over night for several days at a time would cause damage. My poor puppy has been at the Vet ER hanging on to her life because she bit open a Sago Palm seed. When I bought this house 6 yrs ago, sago had white flaky fungus all over it and it was neglected and overgrown. Boil 15 grams of dried sago palm leaves with 4 cups of . Extensively damaged fronds should be completely clipped. Sago palms are cycads, one of the oldest families of plants still alive today. If this is what you are referring to, the plant is okay, and you do not have to worry about its health. This tricks the palm into thinking that it's not getting light on that side of the palm and helps it grow straighter than it otherwise would. The bottom-most, lower ring of leaves are the oldest. I would not recommend planting in the ground as I told the owners I don't think I'd ever dig out another because of the effort but I got value for my $. It causes rapid liver failure. Oh by the way sago seeds should be planted on their sides with the flatter side on top. Answer: Areas outside Zones 8-10 generally get too much frost for sago palms. Even if you don't have pets, your plants seeds may make it to neighbor's yard that does and their pets could die. However the soil always feels moist. Propagation by division is the quicker and easier way to go. Generally, landscapers no longer desire mature specimens as stock. If you have leaves with scale on top and bottom and the length of the frond it's dead and probably all yellowish. A magnesium deficiency will show up as yellow bands along the leaf, but will leave the central leaf a healthy shade of green. It's always a good idea to place a finger into the soil to test before watering. We dont trim. Sterilize the tools with an alcohol- or bleach-based solution before use. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on September 07, 2017: Josie, plant nurseries no longer want sagos as mature specimens for landscape design because there are too many available. Im from England and so is the people who have lost there dog. In Okinawa I see them everywhere. They are slow-growing, taking as long as 50 years to reach their full height. Horses, No reported toxicity to I've just recently helped a home owner remove a 1-1.5m tall 10yr old cycad sago palm. I am thrilled! Queen sagos are bigger and more tree-like than kings, reaching 15 feet in height and 12 feet in width. I would not have one where children will play. Also, take care to never water the foliage of the palm. That's why when you see TV. Katrina Dawson left her dogs, Hazel and Margot, alone in the backyard to play for . Water your sago palm only when the soil is dry to the touch, as this will prevent the roots from becoming damaged. By curling up, the leaves reduce the amount of sunlight that the plant is exposed to, which helps to prevent the plant from getting too much sun damage. I have three sago palms and our pup has chewed most of their leaves. Best temperature for a Sago palm: Sago palms prefer warm temperatures between 60-75 F (16-24 C). Too much moisture will sit on the crown and cause white fungus and rot. I know it's not dead because it's ready to cone. Cut the leaves every year since frost always kills them. You want the water to get down at least two feet (61 cm.) This tricks the palm into thinking that it's not getting light on that side of the palm and helps it grow straighter than it otherwise would. I have observed that my smaller potted plants tend to get more yellowing. Your sago palm tree is a unique piece of living history that brings a beautiful look to your yard or property. In two to three years you will finally see a plant suitable for potting. I use a long-handled trenching shovel to scrape them off. Sago palms, members of the Cycadaceae family that dates to the Mesozoic Era, are considered living fossils. Some of the most popular choices include: 1. Subterranean stems, roots, and rhizomes are used to make Hydrangeas are a perfect addition to any garden and can make everything around them aesthetically exquisite. No seeds in it. Re-pot only when you see the roots coming out of the top or bottom of the pot. I would get in there with the long handled clippers and snip off all but the top newest row. Mealybugs are small, white, aphid-like pests that feed on the sap of sago palms. I did not know it was super slow. No more than half or less will root. The best fertilizer for sago palm is one that is high in nitrogen and low in phosphorus. These fairly low-growing plants with long green fronds are cycads, a group of ancient tropical and subtropical plants that usually grow from a trunk that doesn't branch out; it produces nuts but doesn't flower or fruit. With all this nurture, she thrives well and grows new fronds yearly. I always wear thick garden gloves when I handle this plant. Dont worry, though, there are a few reasons why this happens and some easy solutions to help bring your Sago Palm back to health. They can cause the leaves of the sago palm to turn yellow and eventually die. I immediately put it in a vey large pot along with the mix facing upward. It wasnt the greenest plant but the only one we could find. I took off all the fronds and was going to trash the entire palm. Sago palms are also known to develop a fungal disease called sago palm blight. It was planted 60 days ago. Since then, we have found dozens of the seeds in our yard, apparently dropped by squirrels. Answer: You must have trimmed off old fronds? Even if your plant has recovered from an insect strike, you might notice small black spots that look like dirt or soot on leaves or stems. Sago Palm Care. They are incredibly beautiful and reign supreme in Houston, but can be vicious if you are not fully armored to deal with them. All parts of the sago palm are extremely poisonous. You can post now and register later. You should also check the drainage and make sure that the roots are not sitting in water. No need to clean them out like I did the first year this happened. This article will help you with their care: Sherry Venegas (author)"We live in southern Texas and love our Sago plant! These plants are slow growing and if purchased small can be in an indoor pot for years. Sagos are beautiful accent plants for larger areas in a yard. Where do you live? Nate, "Nate, You should be seeing new trushes in six months, maybe sooner. This plant will continue to grow and flush at the center, getting taller each year. Another reason why Sago Palm leaves may turn brown is due to nutrient deficiencies. The heat and sun is too much even with water. Question: I think I just made a huge error. Before buying our puppy, we knew of the dangers from our friend's tragic experience, but we felt safe knowing that we had no sago palms in our yard. Long story short it got infected went to his pediatrician he drained it, continued to hurt and a friend who is a plastic surgeon numbed it up several times and started looking for whatever was in there. Look out for foliage damage or discoloration, as well as tiny bugs among the fronds. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Maybe they have different growing habits in the southeast states. I've got two potted sagos, one for about 15 years, the other for about 8 years and seven boston terriers who have never gone near them. I love the way my Sago/s have grown with that wild natural look, but I wouldn't suggest placing any other plants around it; unless you want to know whats it's like to be stabbed repeatedly and with out mercy. You dont want the wrath. There are a few things you can do to prevent or control pests and diseases of sago palms. Root rot is a fungal infection often caused by too much water or using poorly draining, compacted soil. You may also like: how do you save an overwatered palm tree. We have 4 sago at my front entrance and for the past 20 years have never done one thing to any of them. If you have a natural sink in your yard a tree for shade, could be considered in the future, because this drought cycle will end sometime. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on November 06, 2019: That is the female seed head. Please advise. Will the leaves come back? Dating to the time of dinosaurs, sago palm (Cycas revoluta) often is called a living fossil. Sago palms are native to warm parts of Japan and southern China. Trimming is done on the sides of the trunks and at the base of the trunk to keep pups from overgrowing. Place the plant in a sunny location indoors or a shady spot outside. Next spring you will see a new flush of leaves and your new plant should look established and accustomed to the new location and pot. Position the other hand on the rim of the pot and develop tension. I then covered it with a black plastic cloth to prevent weeds and put down topsoil and bark chips. Can I chop mine down to 2' or will I kill the plant? A sago was planted right next to the foundation of the house. The sago palm is a popular houseplant, but its not immune to problems. The summers are hot. The answer to this question is not fully understood, but there are a few possible explanations. Looks beautiful. I live in the Central Valley (CA) it does frost for a good amount of the winter." I have 1 male that I'm aware of & I cut off the crown. It's best to fertilize right before a rain shower, which helps distribute the plant food. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on March 17, 2018: My understanding is that the pups are clones of the parent plant, so should be the same sex. The sago palm may be deficient in nitrogen if the older leaves on the outer rim of the canopy are turning yellow. If you put it inground the first year will be time to acclimate. The yellow fronds gradually turn brown, which is when they're essentially dead. Answer: Clear all dead material from the tops of heads you mention. They are a pain to maintain ..we LOVE the plant. You must wear safety glasses and protective clothing for big trimming jobs. How To Use: Apply to cups of fertilizer per foot of height for sago palms planted in the ground. It should take a couple of months for rooting to occur. Yes, a small potted sago will take 4 to 7 years to to become well established. You cannot paste images directly. Not posioned so she must be part Indonesian? The male of the sago is my preference, and I would not enjoy cleaning an extra flower head. My potted sagos need protection from hot summer sun. Other than light fertilization during they next 60 to 90 day growth period any recommendations? I take a trenching shovel and lodge it into the base of the pup. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on July 06, 2018: Gary, thank you for your sago plam story. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on February 14, 2019: You are welcome, Ana. in tissue culture. As to readers who get their set in stone opinions from the TV news I'd need to see the news readers landscaping credintials first. Since theyve been around since prehistoric times it seems they are doing fine left alone. Plant them in a shallow seed starting tray or pot. Question: Our sago palm is at least 25 years old, and about eight feet tall. New plants from pups take 3-4 years. I suggest looking up sago images on the internet to get an idea if full-grown sago can fit into your flower bed. Grow Cycas revoluta in free-draining soil or compost in full sun. If you are going to tackle the job let us know what the root system is like, how tall your sago is, and if you can lift it out. (COLD MICHIGAN!) Just love palms I guess. The plant is too readily available. Very low maintenance. Question: We bought this house. The proper way to plant a tree is to maintain its shape and health, but excessive clipping should never be done. Making the leaves wet will expose the plants to fungal attacks and also makes the fronds turn yellow. I cautioned her on what they were and told her sure. I am of the opinion that removing all of them would not harm the original plant. I have a large plant with five feet of clean trunk, and the pup in question already blooms (female), and has a head that is a foot in diameter. As already mentioned above, the Phytophthora fungi is the most common pathogen to infect the Sago palm. If you can contact a nursery that deals in big tree and big plant landscaping you may get more and even better suggestions. January's top work mom slogan list. Another fungus called Ganoderma zonatum is commonly found to degrade the trunks of Sago palms. Question: Can a Sago Palm be planted in the ground in Zone 7's full sun? I dug a flower garden at its base and removed 95% of the pups to a depth of about six inches. Water thoroughly, and let the soil dry out before watering again. Are they easy to maintain? The biggest differences between the male and female are the growing habits and size. Don't ever plant Bamboo! They are often grown as ornamental plants in other parts of the world. Snap them off with a trenching shovel. If getting rid of the seed pods, cut away all the left over thorny parts and leave a well-trimmed sago if that's to your liking. Now as Im lmao I may reconsider the 5 I was planning and try just 2. Upload or insert images from URL. I spent about an hour on a female which is easier of control. Naturally, the new leaflets that emerge from the main stem are curled and slowly straighten up to form proper fronds. Watch the pups, though." Use heavy duty 2' zip ties to pull the palm upright away from the walk. Height about 5 foot. Method 4: Prune Your Anthurium. Make sure it gets warm clime in a sunroom for the winter. "I am a gardener in the tropics and love the challenges from all plants, bring it on!" This is a really big job! Fertilize monthly throughout the growing season (spring to fall) with a liquid fertilizer, using an 18-8-18 ratio (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium), mixed according to the package directions. It is also one of the few plants to weather the ice age. You will have plenty of pups in the future to experiment with. The callous helps keep diseases away from the plant. These problems can include yellowing leaves, browning leaves, leaves falling off, and more. Answer: My three sagos are not flushing new fronds, either. Randy the Noob, "Randy, by interior I thinking that you have leaves criss-crossing each other in the areas of the branching trucks. Wow! i have 2 male sago palms and i wish i could get rid of them.They are about 6ft. "Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas, "Should you remove the gold crown from the top of the male. Some here that have full sun all day may not make it without this TLC. You May Be Surprised! Finally, if you see pests or diseases on your sago palms, contact a professional pest control company or landscape company for assistance. A watering every two weeks should be sufficient. These Sago Palm are slow growing perennial plant trees that live for many years and Cycas revoluta caring requirements are minimum. Remove them carefully with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol. Is Aspen Good Firewood? The three dogs we have had never became, in any way, interested in it to chew the parts. These cookies do not store any personal information. I planted a lush green Sago Palm in my front yard last Spring in Myrtle Beach. Answer: Is it in a pot? I do water when we have a long dry spell and sprinkle a TINY bit of epson salts around it once a year. 3 trunks. If you have a curious pet who likes to chew on plants throw them away as soon as the pet can access them. The leaves of sago palms are very thin and translucent, so they allow a lot of sunlight to reach the plant. I've heard little about scale from the folks out west, if you don't have it, you're lucky. Sherry Venegas (author) from La Verne, CA on September 23, 2018: John, I would tackle a cluster of sagos like you describe here. Excellent!" I live where it does not freeze for more than one night a year. The extra growing energy was good for it. Two years ago it got 7 new fronds but nothing since. They only require a modest amount of water but they shouldnt be left to dry up completely. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Let it dry. This means they are ideally planted near a window or a sun-dappled spot in your garden. Question: My sago palm has two crown heads, and they are about to cone, but there isn't a leaf-spine on either one. There is some chance that a pup will take root. Its feather-like foliage grows out in a symmetrical ring. I didn't know they were poisonous. The first symptoms of the disease include yellowing of leaves which then gradually affect the leaves and cause them to curl. The grower from where I bought the plant told me. Both of these diseases are caused by fungi that infect the leaves of the sago palm, causing them to turn brown or black. However, too much direct sunlight can lead to scorched leaves. 3 Step 3 - Drive Stakes. Use 1/2 cup of fertilizer per gallon of water to get started. , white, aphid-like pests that feed on the outer rim of the oldest of... With sagos grown as ornamental plants in other parts of the few plants to weather ice. Emerge from the main stem are curled and slowly straighten up to form proper fronds seeing trushes... Not sitting in water the people who have lost there dog much moisture will on. A trunk of a foot how to straighten a sago palm found to degrade the trunks of sago palms Cycas., you 're lucky a single vertical stem straight about 7-8 ft tall plant 's needs! It in the woody frond cuts may be deficient in nitrogen and in. 10Yr old cycad sago palm is known as Metroxylon Sagu: apply to cups fertilizer! Doing fine left alone they only require a modest amount of water to get down least! Keep pups from overgrowing to begin by cutting the leaves of sago palm have... 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