Americans spent more than $600 billion this year over the Christmas holiday. 10KG if consisting of $100 bills. Using Google Sketch, the folks at answered my questions by creating a scale version of what all this money looks like in real life. If stacked, the $1 billion in $100 bills would be 10,000 feet tall imagine 10 Eiffel Towers stacked on top of each other. The weight of all bills in the USA is 1 gram. Over We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This website is intended for reference and entertainment purposes only. [email-submission-form button-text="Join Free" include-trends-opt-in="true" success-url="" default-source="thehustleco" default-medium="home-exit-popup" default-campaign="home-page" form-id="exit-popup-general" optinmonster-conversion="true"],